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The Charlie Nash fanpage

So, a lot of people who know me know I love Street Fighter. These same people also know that my favorite set of games are the Street Fighter Alpha games.

But most of all, these same people know my favorite character in the whole series is Charlie!

Charlie (a.k.a. Nash) first appeared in June 1995 with the release of Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams (or Street Fighter Zero, in Japan). The game took place before Street Fighter II, in an attempt to add to the sparse SF lore, and I think he perfectly illustrates that. Before SFA, he was only mentioned by name in Guile's endings and backstory as his best friend and the guy who taught him everything he knows. As such, he pretty much played like Guile, though later titles added some differences. At some point in time, the UDON Street Fighter comics decided to use both his Japanese and European/North American names at once as his full name: "Charlie Nash". Capcom themselves later canonized this in the original Street Fighter IV - here are his dogtags from the animated intro to Guile's Arcade Mode!

Though, the blood type is inaccurate, according to other materials...


Country: USA

Birthday: Unknown (maybe fans should just make one up?)

Height: 6' 1" (186 cm)

Weight: 185 lbs (84 kg)

Blood Type: AB

Likes: Scotch, Justice

Dislikes: Injustice

Hobbies/Special Abilities: Harrier maintenance, Psychology